People are sick and tired of Covid and they want to know when will things get normal and better. No one wants to stay at home anymore. Everyone wants to move out and feel free. But situations are so that you will have to remain inside your house and without some very important reason you must not come out of your house. In such a situation, people are asking many times a lot of questions. Among them, the most important one is, when we will be visiting Sundarban once again? Today in this blog I shall try to answer your question and tell you when will you be able to visit Sundarban once again and feel happy once more. Due to covid19 Sundaraban tour has completely stopped.
The Sundarban travel agency is always ready to help you travel to Sundarban but due to the prevailing situations, even they can’t do anything. But nothing is permanent even this situation will pass away. So, here is an estimate of when you can again travel to Sundarban:
When Vaccines are available :
Sundarban tour will start again when vaccines will be made available for all. The vaccine is very necessary and important for all. Till this comes and everyone gets a dose of it there is no possibility that the Sundarban tour will start again.
When the situation becomes normal:
Things need to get normal once again. Now the situations are so difficult and dangerous that we should stay in strict lockdown. The situation needs to calm down and be a time when we can understand that nothing can happen more and we can be at ease.
The corona doesn’t disturb:
The corona must go be at a distance where it can’t disturb anymore. If there are any possibilities for it to disturb then better not start the tour. These are very hard times and we all need to fight through them.
Then you can come:
After all the situations are under control, after everything is at ease after nothing can go wrong anyway then the tours can start and Sundarban tourism can begin once again. This is just an estimate or a guess you can see. Hopefully, this is when you can again come for the Sundarban tour from Kolkata. This will be a real blessing and you will enjoy Sundarban to the fullest once more. So waste no more time, come to Sundarban.